Today we saw a King Cobra CLOSE-UP! There was no other way to view it, because we came upon it suddenly on our motorbike. It was between us and a bank. We were against a precipice. The fanned out head and distinguishing design on the back of its head, indicated that it was indeed the “king.”  (There are many different varieties of course). There was very little space between us as we passed. Stopping a little further down the pathway, we watched to see if he was the spitting or chasing variety. Thankfully neither one. It wound its way slowly across the road and disappeared down the cliff. This type of snake is not afraid of anything. It is slow, methodical, and confident in its movements because it knows it is the “KING” of the jungle.



The following morning, I climbed the mountain early to call my dear Sister in America. At the end of our conversation she asked me repeatedly to be careful. She asked if it was dark outside and would I be safe from the snakes on my way back down the mountain. I had assured her that it was not dark nor was it raining -the sky was blue and I expected to see no snakes.



On my way down the mountain that morning, I almost stumbled upon a large cobra! I don’t know if it was the king or not, but cobra it was! Also it poured with rain soon after I arrived at home. You never can be too sure of anything except God’s continuous care. See the comforting words of Isaiah 27:3

“I the Lord do keep it.  I will water it every moment lest any hurt it.  I will keep it night and day.”


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