FireWorks and Elephants

We are still unable to drive the truck into BYT because it is raining in the mountains almost every day!!! It is not raining for a long period of time, but in 30 minutes an enormous amount of water hits the earth! It is so loud and so sudden that one day I was listening to a child’s lungs with my stethoscope in my ears when the rain hit. I was not facing the open window, so I jumped and was completely stunned by the amazingly loud and deafening waterfall outside when the stethoscope came out of my ears!

We make more quick trips out on the motorbike for supplies because there are so many patients and the supplies are gone!  Without the truck we cannot bring much in. The day before we left two weeks ago we heard about 2 men who were chased by the wild elephants. They had loud fireworks with them. The kind that makes only one loud bang. It probably saved their lives because the elephant turned away at the noise!

We are not to be presumptuous and expect God to protect when there is something we can do, so l did what I have never done before and purchased a whole bagful of loud banging fireworks. Now we can use them and also give some to others.

Every time we travel now, I have fireworks and a lighter in my pocket ready to light and throw! We stopped and practiced first so I know I can do it – even on the run, or from the back of the motorbike!!


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