Elephant Disaster

After this week I must say that every ‘speck of a shred’ of tender regard that I ever had towards the elephants in this area has been forever banished from my heart.

Satan has had his way with these brutal beasts, and has used all his sophistries and cunning to turn them into sadistic, destructive, threatening, and cruel, giants in order to block the gospel message from going out and destroy the people before they can hear it.

They surround us now, making our work most difficult. It is not safe to travel to any other village. One elephant is so large that his footprint spans over one cubit in diameter! They can run much faster than the people when they are angry and charging. As you know, people have been killed or maimed around here because of them and their motorbikes ruined. People are terrified and not going out. Perhaps the most dangerous place to go is LaGlah. You can be over 90% sure that you will meet one of these monsters if you go that way. The government is trying to put in a water system to that village and they have had to stopped all work on it because of the danger.

The forrest service here does not give permission to shoot them unless they are about to kill you, because now the worth of some of the elephants when tamed is up to 2 million THB (Thai Baht)!  Also the fire crackers will not work any more because these guys are really smart.

Listen carefully now to this: After killing a person, the people will go and bury them out in the jungle somewhere. These elephants know where they are buried. They wait several days, until the body is already decaying, then these evil beasts go, dig the person up and eat them! Hard to believe, but it is the revolting truth. It has happened all around here and in Burma many times.

Now LaGlah is exactly where we MUST go. PaJew came to attend church with us in BYT on Sabbath. Even though he was scared to death, he came. He and his family have tried to keep the Sabbath for a long time now, but don’t know how. He told us that he really wants to be baptized into the Seventh-Day Adventist church! We told him that it is important to know what the Seventh-Day Adventists believe and that he get to know Jesus. We made arrangements to visit him once a week on Thursdays to teach him the truth.



I am so thankful for BletJhaw because he has courageously joined me in going ahead and working for God in the face of grave danger, trusting in God at every bend in the road!

I am confident that we are protected with an army of angels, and no elephant will be able to harm us. Precious souls must be saved. It is overwhelmingly evident that it is God’s will for these dear people to understand the Bible and join God’s remnant church! If it is not God’s will for the elephants to kill us right now, than nothing can in any way harm us. I do believe that God is not finished with us yet in this area. The road blocks along the way only prove that God has a great victory ahead for His people and His church.

“Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Proverbs 29:25

“I will make with them a covenant of peace and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods.” “Neither shall the beasts of the land devour them but they shall dwell safely and none shall make them afraid.” Ezekiel 34:25, 28

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