Meningococcal Septicaemia

Simply put this is a deadly contagious bacterial infection of the blood.

BletJhaw and I came in contact with this disease when we cared for one of the teachers, ToMlaWah, age 46, at Sunshine Orchard Wednesday night March 15.  We were thankful to God that we were there at such a time as this because there was nobody else available to help him.  He was dreadfully sick with a temperature of 105 degrees and crying from weakness and fatigue.  He refused to go to the hospital so we bathed him in cool water and gave IV fluids.  Late in night he took a rapid turn for the worst, with severe vomiting and diarrhea.  We finally took him to the hospital.  All night we worked with this poor man, but only saw him get worse and worse.

The next day we had to return to BYT, but we kept praying for ToMlaWah.  On Sabbath after preaching, we decided to drive out and visit him for encouragement.  If only he could know that we cared.  As we got to an area where there was phone service BletJhaw spoke to his wife who informed us that this dear man passed away on Friday!  Not only that but the hospital was alarmed at his diagnoses and was trying to get a notice out to everyone who had contact with him to please take medication.  This is highly contagious.  We heard reports that many people in Burma are dropping dead quickly from this disease. Antibiotics cannot keep up with the rapid multiplication of bacteria in the blood.  The patient then bleeds to death.

Now we are figuring out who came in touch with this man.  Of course BletJhaw and I had the most contact, but God was in charge.  He had directed us out that day, otherwise we would know nothing for the entire 2 week incubation period!

On Sunday we were there to attend the sad sad funeral of this dear faithful man who left behind a wife and 2 small children.

You can see the 2 small children here at the funeral.  The Mother is in the front.

So many prayer requests, but please pray for the dear wife and 2 small children family who are left behind.

Praise be to God who has spared our lives and all other that had contact with this disease.  March 29 marked the end of the incubation period.  We have not had time to die!  You can read about it in the next story!  The verse in Psalm 118:17 comes to mind:

“I shall not  die but live, and proclaim the works of the Lord!”





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