“Yesterday we worshiped the devil…”

                . . . But Today We Worship God!”

ChaDwee and his lovely family

Oh thank you Lord for the best day ever!  My heart overflows!

We had gone to LaGlah village just 3 days ago, do we really need to go back up there again today?

But wait a minute, DJ, our neighbor was telling us that a man there was sick with bleeding and abdominal pain.  He did not get to see us 3 days ago.  He said they wanted to become Christians and wished to see us!  In that case, count me in – Let’s go!

It takes a little over an hour to walk to LeGlah village.  The rain accompanied us as usual.  Upon arrival we found 10 or more people waiting for us.

The man, ChaDwee had stomach and bowel problems.  Many witch doctors had treated him.  He had done everything they told him to do.  He had paid all his money to them and then had to pay with pigs, cows and chickens.  He was fed up with them.  Nothing they had done worked.  He had gotten physically worse, and now he decided he wanted to find the God of heaven that we worshiped.  There is sometimes a Baptist pastor in that village, but ChaDwee did not want him.  He had seen the way we treated the patients with such love and happiness that he wanted to worship like the Seventh-Day Adventist of BYT!

 As soon as we entered the house, ChaDwee went to DJ with his arms out and asked him to please take off his devil strings which were customarily tied around each wrist.  This is a great victory because the Buddhist people all receive these strings from infancy.  They are to keep evil spirits away and bring good luck. It is thought to bring terrible calamity if you cut them off.

We sat and got to know this lovely family and explained many things about God from the Bible, in the beginning how the world was made and the sin problem with Satan. They sat spellbound as we told of Jesus coming from His beautiful home in heaven to live on this earth. We told about His life on this earth and how He helped people, healed the sick and taught us how to live and how to get ready for His coming.  We told them about the glories of heaven and how Jesus cannot wait to have us all live with Him there because He loves us so much.  DJ told them all about the Sabbath, how the Catholic Church changed God’s day of worship and why we keep the seventh day.   We sang, and we prayed.

ChaDwee looked at the picture of the monk on the wall.  People hold the leading monks in great reverence here.  Now ChaDwee said, “I feel like taking that picture down off the wall and tearing it up!”

This man, ChaDwee, has turned his entire family away from heathenism to serve the living God! Pictured with him is NawDahBlet, who interpreted for me that day the beautiful story of Jesus! We are all so happy!!

I had examined this man and found out he has a very bad problem with his bowels.  He has a mass low down in the abdomen.   Perhaps he has cancer.  He needs surgery.  He has even gone to Mae Sot three months ago, but they did not help him.  I did what I could, but had a special prayer with him, claiming the Bible verses and asking God to heal him if it be His will.  Please join me in praying for ChaDwee that God will heal him if it is His will, to show him the power of God, and to reward his faith. 

ChaDwee, gathered his family together, his wife, and all his children and their families, from three different homes, eleven people in all that want to follow Jesus!  What a beautiful sight! Yesterday they said, they worshiped the devil, but from now on they choose to worship the true God in heaven!   Pray for them all, please.  Satan hates to lose his captives, but God has powerfully drawn their hearts to Him and they have responded!

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