

               “The people which sat in darkness saw a great light!”  


“If we are not willing to make special sacrifices in order to save souls that are ready to perish, how can we be counted worthy to enter into the city of God?”  Christian Service page 8

Sorry:  I have been out of touch for 6 weeks!  I have been dying to ‘talk’ to you, but I have not come out of BYT accept for emergencies and quick supply runs.   All the struggling, all the painful injuries, all the tears, the formidable roads, the stress, the weariness and hunger – is worth it a hundred times over – and then some more!!  Don’t stop reading now!. . .

On Friday, November 27, DuPe showed up at our house asking us if he could please live with us for a while so we could help him stop his opium habit!!  He said he really wants to be baptized, but he cannot stop the bad habits.

“Why absolutely!  Come on in!”

The first week was difficult for him, but he was obedient to our instructions.  He stayed in the fenced area of the compound.   He took all my natural remedies of water therapy, charcoal, vitamins and exercise.  He ate vegetarian wholesome food, and drank 3 liters of water a day.  We did short worships with him and prayed with him multiple times, encouraging him to rely on prayer and the words of Jesus.

We did not want to leave DuPe alone. When BletJhaw went home for a week, by God’s perfect providence I was able to come back immediately with 2 students that were on school break from Sunshine Orchard.  What a week we had together!  Here we are:

Left to right:  DuPe, SawDaiYea, SawEsSo, me.

DuPe used the weed eater solid for 2 days in a row.


His adorable 3 year old daughter, BeSoGay, stays with us sometimes.  A delightful child!  (Clothes donated by the dear people in NewYork)!  Thank you.

We hauled in cow manure and rice straw and these boys fixed up all our fruit trees!  By the time they left how beautiful everything looked!  In addition to this we did an emergency run to MeDuGlow, they did worships in church and other villages, prayed, sang special songs, and SawDaiYea interpreted my sermon, and they both helped with the patients.

By the end of the week neither of them wanted to leave.  In fact it rained 12 hours before we were to drive back.  They were hoping it would rain more so they could stay longer.

Last Sabbath was the highlight of my entire missionary career! BletJhaw was back. We did the church service as usual.  BletJhaw is going through the Bible stories with the picture roll first, then I preach using pictures also as much as possible.

Next DuPe got up and gave a testimony of how God has helped him in his life.  He said:  “I am clean!  God has washed me!  I am clean!”  He smiles from ear to ear.

My sermon title:  “Choose to Change!”  A truly powerful, high Sabbath day, filled with the Holy Spirit!

Please join me in 2 specific things:

1)   Pray for DuPe and family

2)   Sacrifice to save a soul

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