Far out in the jungle mountains, in the midst of heathenism, opium, spirit worship, devil worship, superstition and fear lies a dying man.
Not just any man. We have a huge history with him. He wanted to worship the God we worship six years ago. After a few Bible studies he stated: “Yesterday we worshiped the devil, today we worship God!” We had cut all the devil strings off.
He almost died from cancer and an acute abdomen after that. To get him to the hospital back then during rainy season was extremely difficult. (You’ll have to read about it in a previous story). Since that time we have spent hours walking to his village to do Bible studies, in the heat, in the rain, in the dark and past many snakes and wild elephants. He is slow to understand. His initial enthusiasm over worshiping God seemed to wax cold, but we kept on.
Now it seems he doesn’t have long to live. He has been lying in the same spot on the rice bags and rags for over 2 weeks.
My agonizing question before God is: “Have I done my best to help this man receive eternal life? Is there anything more I can do? . . . I must go back!”
One more visit just in the past week seemed rewarding. He is alert and responsive this day. I lean over him and say: “You know God loves you. It’s not too late to give your whole heart to Jesus. He will take you. You just need to ask Him to please forgive you for your sins and save you for heaven. We don’t want to live forever with Jesus in heaven without you. Will you do it right now?”
ChaDree said: “Yes.” He looked in earnest and intent.
Then BletJhaw explained the basic truths to him. He responded. We prayed.
God knows his heart, he knows the ignorance and simplicity of these people. I may not see him again on this earth.
“They that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined!” Isaiah 9:2