It was midnight straight up. A motorcycle roared loudly up the steep driveway to our house. Soon we heard mens voices calling at the door: “TharaMu? Thara BletJhaw?” A lady needed help in the next village – WaSuTa. My heart groaned, as I thought about our plans to take another very sick man from NyaLeGwee to Meta hospital on the west-side at 5 in the morning. But of coarse we went right away and checked the patient- amebic dysentary – very dehydrated. It is an emergency. Away we go to MDG clinic on the east-side, returning at 4a.m.! Now we have one hour to sleep!
We leave at 5 a.m. and get TheyMu, 59 years old in NyaLeGwee village.
He cannot walk. He has scrub typhus with complications. The 41/2 hour drive on the terrible roads, in the heat, with all the dust and smoke does not make him any better for sure! The bumpy ride is so bad that many times he ends up on the floor! My whole heart goes out to the silent sufferer in the back seat.
I long for dear Jesus to come: No more sickness, suffering, pain, or death.