Just two faces, right? But look: One is innocent, the other – guilty.
“The consciousness of right doing is the best medicine for diseased bodies and minds. The special blessings of God resting upon the receiver is health and strength. One whose mind is quiet and satisfied in God is on the way to health.” ST Oct. 23, 1884
DooPo, (right), age 32, has a wife and 5 children. He is Cha Dree’s son-in-law and they all live together in one house in LaGlah village.
He came to our clinic the other day all stressed out. He is suffering from many psychosomatic illnesses and now he cannot sleep at night and wants sleeping medicine – which I do not have. I find out the reason for his great fear. Very many soldiers are after him because he sells opium out of ChaDree’s house! He told us that just 3 days ago TEN TRUCKS loaded with soldiers came to his house, – even to that little village way back in the jungle! They told him that they have now warned him twice. The next time they come, if they find out he is still selling opium they will arrest him and put him in jail for 10 years. If anybody tries to run away they shoot!
Now in this area, we know by other people’s experiences that the soldiers will arrest everybody in the house when they come. We are in that house almost every week to do Bible studies, but no worries! It is all an answer to prayer! As I pray for ChaDree and do the Bible study, I pray that God will remove everything evil and sinful out of that house so all the people can worship God and be ready for Him to come! So you see, we are on God’s mission and He is caring for us and them!!
Thank you for your prayers. ChaDree is still alive! Last Thursday he even sat up and paid strict attention as we spoke of what to do on the Sabbath, and how to pray! ChaDree responded and answered the questions! He is being touched by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit filled the room! If you could just see the 6 people present fold their hands and close their eyes for prayer! My heart melts and overflows in thankfulness in inexpressible love and praise to God!
Oh keep praying for us all! We really need your prayers!