Sadness never ends!

  1.  DiTee, age 27 died from SLE, (Systemic Lupus).  We had worked so hard to get her to the hospital on many occasions.  This disease is not fatal, but it knocks out the immune system and infections are common.

2.  BeLoo died not long ago from complications of kidney failure and       peritoneal dialysis done in a dirty poor jungle hut. We had given her and her Sister Bible studies and the hope of a future with Jesus. We had planned to let her stay in our house so we could bring her to the evangelistic meetings, but now she is gone.

3.  I watched a 2 month old baby die in its Mother’s arms this morning.  There was nothing we could do – she waited too late.  I watched the Mother bury her head in the dirty baby’s blanket right there in my clinic and sob.  We visited her later, bringing her and her husband a nice new, warm blanket, and prayed for them giving them the hope of heaven. The Mother, in her tears gave me a new Karen skirt that she had just made.

4.  Then came the TheyMoo’s broken leg that could have got excellent medical help at Meta, but ruined it all by turning it over to the devil.

5.  On the heals of that came MauDa’s horrific pain and difficult transport.

5.  DuPe age 40 just commited suicide.

All this in quick succession.

“Oh dear Lord, You understand and suffer more for You are constantly despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. These are people I have worked with, prayed for, and love.  I cannot bare the sadness of these days please help these grieving, suffering people, and my broken heart.



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