
We made the long trip to Chiangmai to attend the graduation of BletMu, a BYT boy that we sponsored to attend CAA (Chiangmai Adventist Academy) for the last 4 years.  This school is the only hope for my dear jungle children to learn about God and keep the Sabbath plus get a good education.  However most of our young people  have a horrible background and hopeless future.  The government schools in the jungle do not teach much of anything, the parents are on opium and other drugs and never learned in school.  They do not teach their children, consequently they grow up much like orphans roaming from house to house looking for food and something to do.

This young man, BletMu, comes from a family that actually deals opium.  Soldiers come quite often trying to find his parents and arrest them.  BletMu failed his entrance exams when he applied to CAA.  In fact he left the entire math section blank.  They did not want to accept him, but I told them that this is the reason he so badly needs to come, it is his only chance because they are not getting an education in my area.  So he was accepted, however, he has had some problems here with an ugly temper.  He almost got kicked out, but now he has successfully accomplished the entire four years!  I feel this is a wonderful accomplishment for him.  I have prayed a lot for him and feel that at this graduation he has shown true repentance and  appreciation of the help we have given him.


BletMu has future plans.  He wants become a forrest service worker and attend a vocational school.  Please pray that his number one future plan will be Jesus and heaven!

“Cast thy bread upon the waters for thou shalt find it after many days.”  Eccl. 11:1

The graduation was very unique and wonderful.  Before the service the entire student body (over 900) circled around the graduates and sang them a song.  Then they shouted congratulations and bowed together, stomping their right foot.  I wish you could see it all. Very stupendous.   I was viewing it from second floor.


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