This is an updated report on Bli from MooDooKey village. This story proves that it is nothing to do with us and everything to bring glory to the greatness of God!
“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable!” Psalm 145:3
Two Sabbaths ago we visited Bli after church again. This time 4 others came with us – three motorbikes – 6 people. It was a wonderful visit once again because we can feel the holy spirit working upon the hearts of the people in this home! I was privileged to do the worship service that day on: “Taste and See that the Lord is Good!” Very powerful.
Bli told us that he had quit smoking. He said that after he quit, he wanted to try just a few puffs again, but he had already told his daughters that he had quit, so he didn’t want them to see him! Later he snuck out and had a few puffs on the cigarette. To his surprise it tasted terrible! He did not want to touch it again. The complete victory is his! –And please note that he has been smoking since he was a young boy. Now he is over 70 years old!!
He said that in the past when he quit eating pig and rat, the same thing had happened, it tasted terrible after he gave that habit to God. Now he almost feels the same way about any meat product! Surely the Holy Spirit is working with this man and blessing abundantly because he is doing all that he knows to be right out of love for God. The verse in 1Samuel 2:30 “Them that honor Me, I will honor,” is being played out right before our eyes in this humble little MooDooKey home!
This is a very encouraging story to share with people you know who are struggling to stop some addiction or bad habit. Only because Jesus sacrificed everything for us, can He help us to sacrifice everything for His name sake!! “What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you!”
Bli went on to tell us that his 2 daughters had made their decision to follow their father into the SDA church. They know for sure that is the right thing to do, and want to be ready for heaven. They said that even after their father dies, and if their mother never accepts it, they will continue on in this religion!
So this has me really praying for that mother, WeeMu. I love her so much! Right now we need your prayers because she is in the valley of decision. She seems so broken hearted about her family leaving the Baptist church, because all her family and friends are Baptist or Buddhist. However, last Sabbath BletJhaw and 2 other motorbikes drove to MooDooKey and brought Bli, his wife, and youngest daughter to church with us in BYT! My sermon title was: “Jesus, Our Only Hope.” I noticed that WeeMu sat in the back, but listened to everything. We had a nice dinner together and then the motorbikes drove them back home.