“My times are in Thy hand.” Psalm 31:15
This is a bit on the personal side, but I opt to post it because it may help people in their walk with Jesus.
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News came from my sister, Lynn this past June that I did not want to hear:
“You better come to America quickly dear sister, or you won’t see Mother again!”
My heart twisted, my throat dried, and my stomach churned. I know you are supposed to expect such things when your Mother is almost 96 years old, but you must understand something about Mother, Lynn and I.
When Mother raised us two girls, she read the book “Child Guidance” seven times. Only with prayer, can God’s miraculous power help a person apply the principles of that great book. Our Mother allowed no situation, no person, and no persuasion to cause her to deviate from her devotion to God and from her responsibility in raising us girls. I cannot thank her enough for all the sacrifices that she made. Consequently the Lord has bound our hearts together with a very special cord of love that only heaven can bestow. We have never had a fight, and never been angry or upset at each other.
I purchased my airline tickets quickly and in mid June I travelled to America. I did not broadcast my trip, or plan to preach in various places as I usually do. I would devote all my time to my Mother. That was a good thing because three times we almost lost her, but she would always pull out of it. I was gravitating between hope and despair. As time rolled on like this I began to feel almost panic stricken about my return trip to Thailand. How could I leave my Mother? This will also put too much on my Sister. Last year I knew God wanted me to return to Thailand, but when I left I was so oppressed by the devil that I even thought my leaving would cause the death of my Mother. My hair began falling out my stress was so great. Now things were even worse. Mother was so frail and weak. She had declined so much.
I agonized with God for three days, opening my heart to Him.
“Lord, I am willing to do whatever Your will is for me. I will stay here and never return to Thailand, I will go and then return any time, or I will go and stay. Only show me what to do. I cannot bear this burden alone.”
Each day my prayers got more intense. On the third day I cried out to God late into the night. In the morning, (August 1), God answered my prayer through my Mother! As we were eating breakfast she got up to read something to me from Oswald Chambers devotional for that morning.
I ask you to read carefully and understand the significance of each word:
Something More About His Ways August 1
He comes where He commands us to leave.
“When Jesus had made an end of commanding his disciples, He departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities.” Matthew 11:1
If when God said, “Go,” you stayed because you were so concerned about your people at home, you robbed them of the teaching and preaching of Jesus Christ Himself. When you obeyed and left all consequences to God, the Lord went into your city to teach. As long as you would not obey, you were in the way. Watch where you begin to debate and to put what you call duty in competition with your Lord’s commands. “I knew He told me to go, but then my duty was here,” that means you do not believe that Jesus means what He says.
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Immediately the heavy burden rolled off my shoulders! The light from heaven shone down upon us so brightly that tears sprang out of my eyes. What a God we serve! What love! What peace and joy!
Since that time, Mother has gotten better! She is stronger, brighter, sleeps better at night, and communicates with all her former wisdom! I am so privileged to spend this time with her. She says to me:
“We have always had every indication that God wants you in Thailand. Now when you go, we will not be sad, but rejoice! I am the happiest Mother in the world because both my daughters are working for God! There is no greater joy.”
I will leave my Mother in Tennessee September 29, fly to Montana and spend one week with my son, Micah and his wife, and then fly back to Thailand October 6 praising God the entire way because this answer to prayer means that God has more souls to save in the jungle mountains! Eternity will reveal the results! My times are in His hands!