Jonathan Hill

It is incredible how it came to pass that Jonathan Hill, Mission TV video producer for JFA, came to BYT to make a video of our work!

They needed to make mission videos, and what better time than the week that Dr. Jack Hamilton and his wife from Alaska would be here!  There was just one small problem – he had purchased his airplane ticket to come to Thailand, but did not have a camera or the equipment that he needed to take videos!  Everybody was praying!

Just a little over a week before his flight, someone donated all the money needed and he purchased everything, then jumped on the plane!  This was super encouraging to everybody because he knew this was God’s divine plan for him, and we knew that God had great plans for the beloved people of BYT and surrounding villages!


This gigantic camera stared at me from morning till night!  Jonathan did not miss a trick.  If this video doesn’t give you a perfect description of our work here in the jungle, than nothing will!

I am so happy to get to know Jonathan over this past week.  God has given him many wonderful talents and he is using them for God’s glory.



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