“Each Step I Take”


“Each step I take, the Saviour goes before me!”                                                            

And with His loving hand, He leads the way!

And with each step, I whisper, “I adore Thee!”

I am safe when He is by my side!

 Today was an incredible day. Once again Mrs. White’s statement came true for us!

Often, our plans fail so that God’s plans for us might succeed!”

We had our medical bags all packed ready to walk to LaGlah village in the rain.  This past week and a half has been one huge rainstorm – rivers are flooded, trees are down in the road along with huge landslides making travel impossible – even on foot, but with our backpacks we are ready to try!

Before breakfast a man came asking us to come to GeGhah and see his aunt who had fallen the day before and is in great pain.  Because of the landslides he told us we couldn’t use the motorbike.  We told him we would finish eating and then be on our way.

We very soon discovered that the way to this village had become very difficult due to enormous landslides, sometimes causing your feet to get stuck in the oozing sucking mud, and other times climbing up in the jungle, around the fallen trees!  I couldn’t begin to tell you how difficult it was!  All along the way the rain would stop and start – pour and pause.

This is the actual road I’m walking on. The only difference is that the mountain came down.

Just a quick glance at my patient, told me she had a hip fracture.  Her left leg was drawn up shorter than the right and rotated outward. She was in severe pain and could not move.  She had slipped on wet concrete the day before and fallen hard against that left hip. She is quite heavy.

Now, how to get her out when the roads leading out of GeGhah were full of landslides and fallen trees. The road out of BYT, however, had been cleared yesterday, so the people asked us if they could get her to BYT, would we drive her to MeDooGlow in our truck?  We will do our best!  For us to drive out of BYT we must cross the river 3 times.   The first 2 crossings have no bridge.  Up until today the water in the river was way too high and furious for us to drive through, but we will try today!  Our angels excel in strength and they are always on our side!

Sure enough, shortly after we returned home, here the people come, carrying the poor lady in a blanket that was securely fastened to a bamboo pole.  I am amazed at how strong they are to carry her all that way through all the landslides and in the jungle around fallen trees. She was placed in the backseat of our truck, suffering greatly.  I felt so sorry for her.

It was an amazing trip we took in our black Toyota truck.  Turning sideways down steep ravines and twisting through the water, through the mud, and through the rain, to the small clinic in MDG, but a poor hurting lady was brought to where she received help.  They put her in the ambulance and took her to Omkoi for x-rays, then on to the large hospital in ChiangMai for surgery.

It was an amazing day of hiking and driving.  We praise God that He made a way for us to bring her the help she so desperately needed! These people are Buddhist, but we pray they will see the only true God in us!

Here is such encouragement from heaven for our weary souls!!

“God reaches hearts through the relief of physical suffering.  A seed of truth  is dropped into the mind and is watered by God.  Much patience may be required before this seed shows signs of life, but at last it springs up, and bears fruit unto Eternal Life!  MAR 185.7


…Each step I take just leads me closer home!

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