
DahBlet is the girl we are sending through nursing school at AUP (Adventist University of the Philippines).  She is finishing her 2nd year of nursing there, and had just failed the final exam.  She of course was under a lot of stress, but was able to attend PYC with me.  I wanted her to have a quiet place to study and also attend some of the meetings and prayer groups for a spiritual boost.  I noticed that she had slipped from her morning devotions. She was able to attend some meetings but did not feel like part of the group and remained stressed over up-coming exams. She must take 3 exams as soon as she returned, and receive at least 90% in order to continue in AUP!  I understand her fear.  After PYC, we prayed together and parted company in Manila.  The next day she took those tests and passed them all!  Now she will do summer school and enter her 3rd year!  She had told God that if she passed those tests she would promise to pray and read her Bible every day!  We are rejoicing in the Lord!!
She is a dear girl, who has come straight out of the jungles of Burma, who’s mother tried to kill her by taking poison when she was 2 months pregnant, but DahBlet did not die!  She has a story to tell which should be written in a book!  She has visited me 3 times in BYT, and wants to copy me by being a nurse and doing the same work that I do, only in her own village and surrounding villages in Myanmar.
Miraculously we got her into nursing school at AUP, But as usual, the devil hated it.  During that first year her Mother died, later the Burmese attacked and burned her village, torturing some of the people and putting the rest in a Burmese refugee camp, including her entire family, with rotten rice and filthy water.  During her breaks, she wants to visit her family, but it is very dangerous.  Many times she has been saved from the violent ruthless soldiers.  Buddhism and worship of the monks are brutally enforced or you die!
She is the most courageous and brave girl I know.  She had to get a passport and visa and take her first airplane ride to a brand new place and enroll in the University that teaches in the English language.  She has learned English mostly on her own with a dictionary and talking to as many people as possible, and yet has gotten into her 3rd year of nursing by God’s grace.   I know God has great plans for her life.
I could tell you more, but like I said, it needs to be written up by a journalist who can inspire others about what God can do.
Please pray for this girl as she is pulled by the devil in all directions, but persists in giving God her heart and her life!

DahBlet is on the right

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