I have missed many stories here in my web page. Time has flown by and internet is unavailable. If I find any of the stories I have written I will put them in, even if the dates are not chronological.
As you know BletJhaw and I have worked in this part of God’s vineyard for over 10 years now. God has clearly renewed His contract with me to continue on in BeYoTa year after year. I have not been released from this work by any means! My biggest test was this year when I visited my 96-year-old mother. God came even closer to me than ever before to lovingly tell me that He wants me to continue in BeYoTa, putting Him first before my family. I did not know it but that was my last time to see her well. She passed away last December 22. Feeling my deep loss, and in my grief and sorrow, I am thrilled to know God’s will for my life and to have the assurance that my mother understood also, and agreed that God was vividly telling us both His will.
For every loss I have experienced in my life, I have felt more love for others. Now that I suffer my biggest loss, I feel an all-consuming love and passion to reach the lost. By God’s grace I will carry my mother’s torch and cling to Jesus heading His instructions in just how to do my work.
Since my mother’s death the work here has shockingly opened right up, and I know I am carrying her torch to the finish line by His grace alone!!
For ten years I have been running 2 miles almost every morning to WaSuTa, (WST). There is a Baptist pastor there with a small Baptist church, so I pause in WST and pray for that pastor and those church members almost every day that they will come to the truth!!!
Oh how true is Galatians 6:9 “Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Because: LISTEN TO THIS!! Just now there are 4 families that have been members in that Baptist church, who are eagerly studying with us to join the Seventh-Day Adventist church! In one family, the wife is the Baptist pastor’s wife’s sister!
I could not do a stitch of work here without BletJhaw by my side. He is musically talented and his conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole! His faithful perseverance through thick and thin clearly shows that his heart is one with mine in reaching the lost. At times we each have felt the pangs of keen disappointment and suffering. “Days when troubles harass the soul, till death seems preferable to life.” PK 162.1 But God is faithful! He is saying, “I will hold thy right hand, fear not I will help thee!” Isaiah 41:10 He is enough!!
Tomorrow we drive to Chiang Mai and BletJhaw will have hemorrhoid surgery. (Hemorrhoidectomy). He has been plagued with this problem for over 5 years, but now it is so much worse that he cannot put surgery off any longer. We request your prayers please. I know God wants us back to work in BYT quickly, especially as we want to continue our Bible studies with these 4 families, treat the sick and preach the gospel! We will be so encouraged to know you are praying! Love to all!