Dear Friends!
You are all very special to me! Your love, prayers and support greatly help me to keep pressing on! The pandemic has not been felt in a big way over here. -Of course we are deep in the jungle! We now can continue to treat the patients, pulling teeth, doing sutures, removing injured toenails, as well as many medical problems and skin problems. Thailand has been very careful with their COVID-19 rules and regulations, and the people here have been very obedient! (Probably because they will receive a large fine and/or prison for 2 years if they disobey)!
I have personally felt the attacks of the devil in so many ways recently, till I could hardly hold my head up, but I have learned that when this happens it means God is about to do something great! My part is just to keep hanging onto the hand of God.
The light really did break through though, let me tell you! Three families who had been members of the Baptist Church in WST are studying with us and want to keep the Seventh Day Sabbath and join our church! I have been praying for that Baptist Pastor and all the people of that church to turn to the truth for 11 years! I run almost every morning to WST and there overlooking the Baptist Church I pray for them! Therefore this verse is very dear to me:
“Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not!”
By God’s grace there shall be no fainting here!! The people we are now studying the Bible with are all eager to learn the truth! There is no greater joy!!
MeLoDa and SueDa
MeLoDa is a 23-year-old BYT girl who is close to nine months pregnant with her first child. She has become very large with this pregnancy and I am concerned that she might have a difficult time in delivery, especially as she plans to have the baby at home and not go to the hospital.
On Friday evening her husband came to our home asking for a hot water bottle, stating that she was experiencing a little pain. He was unconcerned and thought her due date was still not up. However the next day I was told that her water had broken the night before prior to the time her husband asked for the hot water bottle! Now she still has not delivered the baby, and states she cannot feel the baby moving anymore! Immediately we prepare to take her to MeDooGlow hospital. The roads are better now, so it takes less than 2 hours to get there. The hospital took her immediately to Omkoi hospital.
As soon as we arrived back in BYT, SueDa’s husband chased us down, asking if we could please take his wife to the hospital. She was worse. We must turn around and go all the way back to MDG! We drove to her house in WST to check her. It is exceedingly hard to get the truck in to her house. The road is dreadful and such a small space on the side of the mountain to turn around. As I told you in the last letter this girl had sustained a fever and very intense leg pain for over two weeks since her delivery. When I checked her I found that she was in such terrible pain she refused to go to the hospital. I told her I had a strong injection I could give her for pain, just enough to allow her to make it out of her house in into our truck. She consented to that and her husband took me home on his motorbike to get it.
After the injection we waited 20 minutes and then proceeded to attempt transferring her onto a “Hammock” attached to bamboo. My heart goes out to her. It was very difficult for her, but BletJhaw and the husband did a great job of carrying her down the difficult bamboo steps and steep descent to our truck. I felt so jubilant to finally see her settled in the back of our truck. Though she still suffered quite a lot during the transfer, she would not have made it without that shot.
I feel so thankful to God because both of these girls got the proper care. We heard that MeLoDa had to be transferred to the large hospital in Chiang Mai, but she finally had a healthy baby girl and may be returning home in 3 days. SueDa is also in a larger hospital undergoing treatments.
Please pray for wisdom to do healthcare and the Holy Spirit to reach the lost in this area.